The editors of The Review invite writers that live in Washington, D.C., Maryland, Virginia, and beyond, to submit poems for publication.
Submissions must include:
- Name of the poet
- Address of the poet
- Email of the poet
- Two to four poems
- Bio of the poet
Submissions are reviewed on a rolling basis, generally within three months of submission. View the magazine website online:
[DEADLINE EXTENDED TO SEPTEMBER 30] -- Simultaneous to the ongoing open call, from August 12 to September 30, 2024, submissions are being accepted for a special section, "The Jewish Experience." Selection of works for that section will be made by editors Ori Z Soltes and Robert Bettmann. If submitting for that special section, please note that in your submission. There is a space in the online submission form to do so.
Mid-Atlantic Review Editors: Gregory Luce, Anne Becker, Jeffrey Banks, Regie Cabico, Dwayne Lawson-Brown, Serena Agusto-Cox, Holly Karapetkova, Robert Bettmann
Mid-Atlantic Review Advisory Editors: Carolivia Herron, Christopher Heuer
The Mid Atlantic Review is a project of the non-profit Day Eight -